About Us
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Our Services
Welcome to Trinity Winchester
We are a Winchester-based charity which addresses the effects of homelessness and vulnerability through specialist practical and emotional support, and proactive prevention, empowering positive change.
We help people who are vulnerable to the effects of homelessness, addiction, physical and mental ill health, poverty, social isolation and domestic abuse. We offer solutions, hope, choice and control.
From humble beginnings, Trinity has grown into a respected and skilful organisation helping people to improve their lives. We provide vital practical and emotional support to over 600 people each year who are experiencing the effects of homelessness or vulnerability.
Our dedicated Women’s Service sees around 150 women each year. We support them to make positive change to their lives and in many cases break free from the damaging cycle of domestic abuse.
We aim to support individuals to change their situation and aspire towards positive fulfilling futures.
Where does my money go?
Your donation can make a real difference in the life of a vulnerable person.
To view our latest annual review click here or find us on the Charity Commission website.
Our Vision
Our Mission
We encourage everyone to work together to provide a safe place where people affected by homelessness and social deprivation can maximise their life chances. We do this by:
- Creating environments and services where people feel valued and safe
- Being a place where people enjoy coming to work
- Attracting supporters who share our values
Our Values
We support our clients by helping them to change their situation and aspire towards fulfilling futures.
- We are non-judgemental and compassionate
- We embrace diversity and inclusivity
- We empower people by helping them to build the confidence and skills to make positive changes in their lives
- We value our staff and volunteers
- We listen to and work with others