Help change a life for good
Make a one-off, or a regular monthly, donation to ensure we can continue delivering the vital services that support individuals to change their situation and aspire towards fulfilling futures.
One-off donation
Making a donation will help us continue to support over 650 people a year. Please give what you can to ensure we can continue delivering the vital services to help people to get off the streets – and stay off them .
Donate monthly
Trinity’s Key Supporters help us to plan and sustain our year-round work with homeless and vulnerable people. Your monthly donations will enable us to plan ahead, ensuring the right help is delivered at the right time.
Alternatively, donations can be sent directly
Bank: CAF Bank Ltd, 25 Kings Hill Avenue, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4JQ
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account no: 00089871
What’s a pound worth?
Could provide a week’s worth of toiletries and hygiene products
Could provide 15 hot meals for somebody sleeping rough for one week
Could run one session of our Job Club to help clients get back into work
Could provide access for one women into Trinity's Women's Service for a year
Could provide six sessions of counselling