Trinity provides services to enable people to improve both their physical and mental health wellbeing. Over the last year, 459 people accessed our in-house healthcare appointments and over 216 people engaged in some form of therapy at Trinity.
Giving people back their smile – having a healthy smile can really improve someone’s self-esteem. The Dentaid bus visits Trinity every month to provide check-ups and emergency treatment to our clients.
Mindfulness and Yoga
Inspiring inner peace – we can help clients become more aware of their thoughts and feelings so they are better able to manage them. We create a relaxing therapeutic setting and clients tap into their creative skills with mindful art and drawings.
One day at a time – one-to-one and group support delivered by Trinity’s trained expert counsellors includes Positive Minds, a bespoke course developed by Trinity based on cognitive behavioural therapy.
Healing and helping – our partnership with St Clements Surgery offers GP and Nurse sessions four mornings a week exclusively to homeless patients who are often not able to register with a practice and have conditions exacerbated by their lifestyle.
Health Awareness
Head to toe – monthly sessions provide help and advice on smoking cessation, healthy eating and sexual health, and include a man-to-man talking group.