RESI Award
Bradbury View residential extension has won a national RESI Award 2022 in the “Health and Wellbeing Initiative – Residential” category.
Homeless Link Awards
Inside Housing Development Awards
Welcome to Bradbury View
Bradbury View comprises of 12 ‘flatlets’ for people who are rough-sleeping repeatedly – often the hardest to reach and to help in our community. The flatlets have ensuite bathrooms to reduce the risk of contagion through sharing facilities, protecting both occupants and the wider community. Residents are offered individualised person-centred support to help them get their lives back on track and move towards successfully living independently.
Our residents are living in a comfortable and safe surrounding within a therapeutic setting, with lovely views and nature all around. Whilst they are here, there are a variety of things to take part in that we hope they enjoy and embrace.
The UnderOneRoof team are with them every step of the way.
Get Well
- A full health needs assessment with the G.P team
- A named care coordinator to help set up residents housing and tenancy related income and expenditure, as well as settling them into their new flat
- A well-being practitioner to help you access therapies and identify any addional needs
Being Well
- A full range of therapies and groups will be on offer for residents to choose from
- A learning programme to futher their skills
- A focus on reducing addiction and moving towards recovery
- Life skills such as cooking and budgeting
- Tenancy management groups to set residents up for independent living
Staying Well
- Volunteering opportunities at Trinity
- Recovery groups for ongoing support
- Preparing to move on into independent living
- Job Club and CV building

The Flatlets

The Kingfisher Room
Provides tranquil therapy space to deliver a range of therapies to groups and counselling. This will help our residents get well, be well and stay well.
The Kingfisher room becomes a space for an emergency winter night bed during autumn and winter months.

Ben's Place
The need
Across the UK, homelessness and rough sleeping have been rising sharply in recent years. Causes include high rents, a shortage of suitable accommodation, insecure employment, and changes to welfare support.
Rough sleeping in the south east of England increased by 169% between 2010 and 2017, according to Homeless Link.
Access to appropriate healthcare services is problematic, particularly for those suffering from addictions and mental ill-health. Many people require long-term psychotherapeutic help, which is not easily available.
At Trinity we have worked with many individuals who, because of their complex needs, have struggled to obtain and retain accommodation.
Public Health England’s view is that no single intervention on its own will reduce or prevent homelessness and that a system-wide integrated approach is needed to ensure that a range of linked services are available to meet the issues presented by those with highly complex needs.
Our solution
Housing First strategy evolved in Finland and is proven in countries, such as, the USA and Scotland. The first principle is that stable and secure housing is an essential pre-requisite to turn lives around, achieve positive and sustainable change and is more cost effective than other interventions.
The core principles are that everybody has a right to a home. Flexible support is provided for as long as needed, whereby housing and support are separated. Individuals have choice and control and an active engagement approach is used to support people’s strengths, goals and aspirations. Where required, harm-reduction programmes are provided.
Based on these core principles, we aim to provide eleven specialist-supported, but self-contained, housing units. Tenancies will be awarded non-judgmentally and will be provided for as long as needed to enable clients to transition to more independent living. The development will also have communal facilities and a therapy room, further complemented by Trinity’s day-centre services, as required.
With the cooperation of Winchester City Council and other county-wide stakeholders, the development will be financially viable and sustainable, with running costs met through housing benefit and additional service charges.
The project encapsulates all we seek to achieve, hence its name: UnderOneRoof@trinity
Once vulnerable people have a safe and secure roof over their heads, they can begin to address the other issues that are likely to have led to their homelessness.
I was in a dark and difficult place, but Trinity counselling helped me understand and deal with my husband’s unhealthy behaviour. It restored my confidence and self-esteem. I now have a job and feel independent and free to enjoy life. The counselling has not only helped me but has also had a positive impact on my children and possibly theirs, too.
A relationship breakdown left me homeless and jobless, with no choice but to sleep on the streets. Trinity helped me qualify for a site safety card and a steady job in the construction sector. I’m now living independently, managing my finances and once more able to stand on my own two feet.
Severe trauma impacted my mental health, which led to excessive drinking. This prevented me from finding secure accommodation. Trinity helped me take the first steps on the road to recovery and address some complex and long-term issues. I now have the key to a place of my own and continue to receive support as I transition from entrenched rough sleeper to tenant and neighbour.
I fled domestic abuse after many years. Trinity counselling and support helped me break free from the vicious circle and living in a women’s refuge. They helped me develop forgotten skills, qualifications and gain practical experience. Today, I’m Trinity’s head chef, serving daily those who also need our help.
After a period of rough sleeping, triggered by the death of my father, Trinity helped me find settled accommodation and provided support that I can now share with others. I now chair its regional Co-Production Board for Expert Link, plan to return to further education and I’m seeking to re-establish family links.
Help turn the vision into a reality
If you would like to donate towards this project, please use the button below. Alternatively, postal donations can be sent to: UnderOneRoof@trinity, Bradbury House, Durngate Place, Winchester SO23 8DX. Please make cheques payable to ‘Trinity Winchester’.
If you would like to speak to a member of the team about making a donation, please contact Paul Williams here.
Please complete the form below and return to us.