Why are monthly donations so important?
Your donation won’t be restricted to single project, it will be used when and where it is needed most.
Monthly donations give us the chance to plan ahead, staying innovative in our approach to supporting people who are vulnerable to homelessness and social isolation in Winchester.
As the demand for our services increases, your gift can ensure that this vital help continues.
Let’s work together for better lives in our community.
How your donation can help
provides a tenancy sustainment course which helps residents maintain a good tenancy, pay rent and manage bills.
provides toiletries and cleaning products for a resident.
provides 1 to 1 support with a Housing Practitioner to help people move onto independent living
supports our mental health recovery programme which includes mindfulness and acupuncture.
funds counselling sessions for residents to support them to move on to a brighter future.
Gift Aid
Gift Aid is a government scheme that allows charities to reclaim the tax that has already been paid on donations from UK taxpayers. If you choose to Gift Aid, the government will add an extra 25p to every £1 you give to Trinity.
Please complete the form below and return to us.

Gift in your will
A gift in your Will can leave a legacy that will help tackle homelessness. If you have any questions about leaving a gift in your will to Trinity, or would just like to discuss it, you can contact Paul Williams.
Donate by post
Please send cash and cheque donations to Bradbury House, Durngate Place, Winchester SO23 8DX.
Remember to tick the Gift Aid box to ensure that we can claim an extra 25% on top of your donation.
PayPal Giving
Click the button below, and select how much you would like to donate using your Paypal account. If you are eligible for Gift Aid, please be sure to complete and return the form below.