Drew has grown up in Winchester, but in his mid-twenties started to have difficulties at home, resulting in him leaving aged 25. With nowhere secure to go, Drew stayed in a tent at a local campsite, where he was first told about Trinity Winchester’s services. Feeling at a very low point, Drew began attending Trinity regularly for support, washing facilities and hot meals.
Drew spent 5 months sleeping in his tent at the camp, but after being evicted from the site, began sleeping in a car park in the City centre. One morning, a member of the Housing Options Team at Winchester City Council approached Drew, and suggested that he could be referred to Winchester churches nightshelter. Thankfully, Drew was given a bed that night, and began a three month stay at the shelter.
During this time, Trinity supported Drew daily by providing meals, washing facilities, and a contact address for him. He was also encouraged to pursue his interest in Recycling, and spent his days at the Recycling Centre where he made some good friends, and kept himself occupied and learning.
After his 3 months at the nightshelter, a move on to a temporary hostel was suggested, but Drew felt that this would not be a good fit for him. Thankfully, one of the friends Drew had made at the recycling centre offered to rent out a room in his flat. Drew asked Trinity for advice on accessing housing benefits, which were quickly secured and Drew was able to move in to his permanent home in January 2015.
“I have been in the system for over 3 years now, and I am amazed at the support and generosity from Trinity, Winchester Churches Nightshelter and Winchester City Council to help people like me. I am feeling very positive about this year!” – Drew, August 2015.