As you are aware the winter months are kicking in and we are looking to provide some emergency cold weather beds over the winter period, we can’t do this alone and are looking to our partners to help us provide these extra beds.
What we are offering:
A bed for anyone that needs one should the weather fall below or feel below zero on any night. We will opening up at 7pm on a SWEP night and the shift will end at 7am Mon-Thurs and at 9am on a Sat/Sun night as we will provide a cooked breakfast as there will be no day service at the weekend. Trinity staff will be on duty every SWEP night and the second help will be a “sleep in “shift.
How you can help:
If you would like to offer to help for a night shift you will be given a private bedroom area and bathroom to use and you will be a sleeping support (on hand should the need arise bit otherwise free to sleep), during the evening you will be assisting the Trinity staff to help people settle in and helping to serve a light warm meal (it will already be cooked). We would like to aim for one Trinity staff member and Two volunteers per shift if possible.
How do you sign up:
If you would like to sign up please add your name to the doodle polls by following these links:
Please do also send me an email on so that I will know how to contact you.
November Doodle:
December Doodle:
We are governed by the weather so the plan will be that I do a weather check using BBC weather for Winchester on a Monday to determine the nights ahead that will fall below or feel below zero and then contact those people that have signed up for those dates and let you know that SWEP has been activated.
We will be very grateful to anyone that is able to offer us some support during this time, so please do circulate this to your teams and anyone that you feel maybe interested, thank you.