Thank you HSBC!

A huge thanks to volunteers from HSBC who joined Trinity for the day to serve 2 types of curries and a homemade crumble.

Thank you for joining us, we hope to see you again in 2019!

World Homeless Day Black Tie Dinner raises over £19,000

Trinity Winchester hosted their annual Black-Tie Dinner in support of World Homeless Day on Friday 19th October raising over £19,000.00 for the homeless and most vulnerable in Winchester. The evening welcomed 150 supporters to the Holiday Inn Winchester for an evening of fundraising and entertainment.

The room was alive with entertainment from Mike Brown the magician entertaining guests with numerous tricks up his sleeve, The West End Rats brought the Rat Pack to Winchester encouraging everyone onto the dance floor and guest speaker Melissa Butler – Smith touched the hearts of attendees with her own personal journey through Trinity to the present day where she is now head chef bringing donated food to life for Trinity clients

The event was sponsored by The Holiday Inn Winchester who have been continued supporters of Trinity and truly made the evening a night to remember. Trinity thanks all the supporters and local business who donated to the auction and raffle.

The With One Voice Choir for White Ribbon Day

Each year Trinity Winchester in partnership with Winchester City Council and many other local agencies take to the streets of Winchester to promote White Ribbon Day, on the 26th November we will be in the High Street asking people to pledge to end violence against women.

Trinity in partnership with The University of Winchester has formed a choir called “The With One Voice Choir” has written a song “The Journey” that speaks of the survival of domestic abuse as well as advocating for those women still suffering the effects of violence.

They will be performing the song on the day and with many thanks to The University of Winchester we have also recorded the song, please listen, come along on the day to show your support and consider taking a stand to end violence against women.

Read more about White Ribbon Day here.

Help keep Trinity clients warm this winter

As you are aware the winter months are kicking in and we are looking to provide some emergency cold weather beds over the winter period, we can’t do this alone and are looking to our partners to help us provide these extra beds.

What we are offering:

A bed for anyone that needs one should the weather fall below or feel below zero on any night.  We will opening up at 7pm on a SWEP night and the shift will end at 7am Mon-Thurs and at 9am on a Sat/Sun night as we will provide a cooked breakfast as there will be no day service at the weekend. Trinity staff will be on duty every SWEP night and the second help will be a “sleep in “shift.

How you can help:

If you would like to offer to help for a night shift you will be given a private bedroom area and bathroom to use and you will be a sleeping support (on hand should the need arise bit otherwise free to sleep), during the evening you will be assisting the Trinity staff to help people settle in and helping to serve a light warm meal (it will already be cooked).  We would like to aim for one Trinity staff member and Two volunteers per shift if possible.

How do you sign up:

If you would like to sign up please add your name to the doodle polls by following these links:

Please do also send me an email on so that I will know how to contact you.

November Doodle:

December Doodle:


We are governed by the weather so the plan will be that I do a weather check using BBC weather for Winchester on a Monday to determine the nights ahead that will fall below or feel below zero and then contact those people that have signed up for those dates and let you know that SWEP has been activated.

We will be very grateful to anyone that is able to offer us some support during this time, so please do circulate this to your teams and anyone that you feel maybe interested, thank you.

We need your vote for the Aviva Community Fund

Trinity has been nominated for a £9,700 grant from the Aviva Community Fund and we need your vote!

The funding will pay for extra sessions of our “Arty-IT” (computer design) and “Crafty Café” craft-making projects which are a great way combat loneliness and isolation whilst increasing confidence and self-esteem, reduced incidences of depression and improved mental health.

By voting for our project (and you can vote 10 times!), you can help us achieve this.

Please take a look at the project and vote below.