Trinity’s Plans for Accommodation


Trinity Winchester plans to extend services to include accommodation

Trinity is Winchester’s local day centre providing practical and emotional support to over 600 homeless and other vulnerable people every year. However with plans to build a two storey extension onto the back of the existing building, the charity aims to also become a housing provider working in partnership with local charities, agencies and Winchester City Council.  (more…)

Ian’s Story

Ian began accessing Trinity’s services after being released from prison. He attended the Job Club on-site, determined to find employment and change his life. He was becoming despondent with rejections but still persevered. Trinity’s Job Club offered use of computers, 1:1 support from staff and volunteers and advice on writing and submitting applications. Ian attended an Interview Skills workshop with one of our learning programme partners, giving real world experience of an interview setting, including feedback. The interviewer recognised Ian’s potential and offered him a work placement where he gained new skills and vital experience. Ian also attended an information workshop presented by the manager of a hotel chain, where he was offered a work placement. During the two weeks on placement, Ian learned about all areas of the hotel work, excelling in his attitude and skills. He was offered paid employment in April 2015 and is still working hard there.


Trinity Winchester to benefit from Fulflood Charity Ball

Fulflood Charity Ball moves venue and will provide breakfast for homeless

Trinity Winchester is the chosen charity to benefit from the fifth Fulflood Ball, taking place at Winchester Guildhall on Saturday 14th April. The Fulflood Ball, organised by a committee of local residents, combines a spectacularly fun-filled evening for the community, with raising money for local causes. (more…)

One day Workshop for Carers’ of somebody with an Eating Disorder

As part of Trinity’s Eating Disorder Friends and Family Support Group, a One Day Carers’ Workshop has been rearranged for Saturday 23rd June.  Topics will include a presentation on research thinking; relationship issues which can contribute to maintaining the eating disorder; how to solve individual scenarios with motivational interviewing, and practising communication skills to improve your loved one’s self esteem.  Veronica and Gill are highly experienced and qualified trainers.
“An amazing day. I learnt how to respond to my daughter in a calm more measured way which opens up positive dialogue. I thoroughly recommend it.” 
Due to a generous donation we are able offer this workshop at an affordable rate – £50 per person or £40 each for more than one member of the same family. To book or for further details please email
 ED Poster Apr18
Jack’s Story

Jack’s Story

Jack* has used Trinity for a number of years, initially due to his housing needs, and now he is settled in accommodation, still accesses the job club and learning programme.

Jack suffers with mental health issues and substance misuse. He has had periods of work in catering but has found it frustrating being on “wash up” duty rather than helping to cook. Jack took his Food Hygiene Qualification in Trinity’s Job Club, and has taken part in Trinity’s cookery group. Since Hampshire Future’s began their Hospitality and Catering course in Trinity’s kitchen, Jack has engaged well and was motivated to take part for a number of weeks. He has since had a short term cleaning job, and is still actively looking for a job that will interest him.

To help us support more people like Jack, please vote for Trinity to receive £5,000 from the Aviva Community Fund.

*Name changed for privacy purposes