Trinity appears as “Old Kent Road” on Winchester Monopoly

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An official MONOPOLY game for Winchester was launched at The Great Hall, Winchester, on Thursday October 12th, as the special edition hit shop shelves.

“The game showcases Winchester’s crown jewels,” says Benjamin Thompson from the game’s makers WINNING MOVES UK. “It’s a celebration of – and a love letter to – Winchester.”

Trinity Winchester is the first charity on the board, sitting on the Old Kent Road square, right past ‘Go’.

And the reason?

Because it offers “the first rung of the housing ladder” and is the “perfect fit”, say the game’s makers WINNING MOVES UK.

Everyone playing MONOPOLY seems to want to buy the expensive spaces Mayfair and Park Lane – but sometimes humble Old Kent Road on the most moderately ranked location can get overlooked, sometimes even gently derided.

But WINNING MOVES UK insist Old Kent Road is “very high cachet” and were today CONGRATULATING Trinity Winchester.

“It’s a very high cachet space,” says WINNING MOVES UK CUSTOM GAMES MANAGER Benjamin Thompson. Mr Thompson said that alongside Mayfair, Old Kent Road is the space everyone talks about.

“As Trinity Winchester provides a safe space for homeless people during the day, along with advice and emotional support, we feel this is a perfect fit as being the first location on the board can send a message it’s the first foot on the housing ladder.”

Sue McKenna, Operations Director at Trinity Winchester said “We are thrilled to appear as Old Kent Road on Winchester Monopoly. Our work helps local people in need, as well as supporting the Winchester community. Being nominated to appear on the board shows that Trinity is considered a crucial part of the City.”

The board will feature more than 30 city landmarks on MONOPOLY spaces. As well as the customised spaces, the Community Chest and Chance cards will be Winchester themed.IMG_6083

Volunteering Opportunities Autumn 2017

We need a few extra pairs of hands to help us raise Trinity’s profile in the city. on the dates listed below. If you can help out for just a couple of hours, please get in touch with Lucy ( / 01962 828636)

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    3rd October – Winchester School of Art. We have been invited to showcase our work at WSA’s Big Day on Tuesday 3rd October, 11 – 5pm. This will involve talking to students about Trinity’s work, and collecting details of anybody interested in volunteering. We will split the day up, so we’re looking for people to help 11 – 2, or 2-5 pm. You do not need to have volunteered before, but have a good idea of Trinity’s work.
  • 7th October – Tesco Eastleigh. For the first time, we will be hosting a bucket collection at Tesco in the Swan Centre, Eastleigh. We need volunteers to give just two hours to hold a donation bucket and thank people for giving small donations. You will be paired with another volunteer, and do not need to have worked with Trinity before. Let us know if you would prefer 10 – 12am, 12 – 2 or 12 -4pm.
  • 15th October – Trinity Winchester Craft Fayre. We will be hosting a craft fayre at the centre, with local artists selling their unique work, along with items made by Trinity Art Groups. We are looking for a couple of people to help welcome visitors to the building, process sales and set up / clear up. The event runs from 12 – 3pm on Sunday 15th October, and we would love to have a couple of people who know the building well to help out.
  • General Helpers! If you haven’t volunteered with Trinity before, but would like to, drop Hannah an email stating your interest, and she will invite you to one of our New Volunteers Sessions here at Trinity. Finally, it may seem early, but if you would like to help out at Christmas, we need to meet you beforehand! So make sure to get in touch soon.



Trinity Winchester’s Annual General Meeting – 9th November 2017

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Trinity’s 30th AGM is taking place on Thursday 9th November at 7pm. We would love many local people and businesses to join us, where you will have the opportunity to meet some of our clients and celebrate their success.  The evening will showcase various projects and work achieved over the past year, there promises to be a few surprises in store!

Light refreshments will be provided. Please contact Sue McKenna to let us know if you can attend, or if you would like more information.

View Agenda 

View the AGM minutes from 2016

View AGM Notice

Could you raise £1,000 in one day?

Could you raise £1,000 in one day??

We are looking for volunteers to help raise enough money in just one day to keep Trinity’s food cupboards stocked for one year.

Once again, Trinity is hosting a unique fundraising event where volunteer prisoners are “arrested”, and only allowed to be released once they have raised enough “bail” money.

Volunteer Special Constables from Hampshire Constabulary are helping with the event, and will arrest prisoners first thing in the morning. Taken to a secure location in central Winchester, they will then have the rest of the day to raise bail money.

Bail is set at £1,000, and this can be raised in a number of ways. Perhaps by simply asking friends, family or colleagues. Maybe your company will pay up to get you back in the office. Could you sell 1,000 £1 cakes in one day? Money can be raised in advance of the date, but we ask all participants to join us for the “arrests” and photographs.

 When? World Homeless Day – 10th October 2017
World Homeless Day is a global movement raising awareness of the realities of homelessness, and celebrate the work done by charities to help. On this day, across hundreds of countries, events will be hosted with the goal of helping homeless people. This is an opportunity to be part of something bigger!

Trinity Winchester needs to raise almost £500,000 every year to continue providing services to over 600 homeless and vulnerable people. With enough participants, we are hoping that Bail Me Out will raise £9,000 to put back into the vital services on offer. For one day out, you could make a huge difference to many people’s lives.

The event will be covered by local press, and you can publicise your work and your business through this positive PR, supporting your CSR objectives.

 What Now?

Get in Touch Contact Lucy on 01962 828636 or for all the information you need. She will talk you through the details, and can arrange a visit to Trinity to see first-hand who you are helping, and answer any questions you may have.

Trinity Summer Art Show

Monday 31st May – Bradbury House – 3:30 – 4:45
Please join us for Trinity Art Group’s Summer Show! See the latest work created by the clients, enjoy free hot drinks and cakes, a beautiful ukulele band performance, and learn more about how Trinity Winchester help homeless and other vulnerable people.
