Annual General Meeting – 20th October – 30 Years of Services

Trinity’s AGM is coming up on Thursday 20th October, 7pm, at Bradbury House, SO23 8DX.

You would be very welcome to join us and learn more about our history, the work over the last year, and what are Trinity’s plans for the future.

View the Agenda here

View the AGM Notice here

Please let Sue McKenna, Operations Director, know if you can join us for what promises to be a lovely evening.

Team from Ridge & Partners Complete 3 Peaks Challenge

Ridge and Partners LLP are celebrating their 70th birthday this year, and are aiming to riase £70,000 for charities in their offices throughout the UK. As part of their fundraising, a team from the Winchester office took on the challenge of the three peaks – the three highest mountains in the UK in 24 hours. Here’s how they got on, in their own words…

“After a weekend spent in truly treacherous conditions, we are happy to report that we completed the 3 peaks challenge! Sort of…. Due to the truly atrocious weather and an injury or two we crashed through the 24hr time limit. The travelling time has been estimated at 12 Hours and 10 minutes (although this does not take into account the heavily speed restricted mini bus and having to take a substantial detour on the Friday evening for a fish and chip supper after missing the evening meal at the youth hostel!)
Please see a breakdown of walking times for each team below, who both smashed the 24 hour time limit when taking into account the walking times only in the notorious Northern England/Scottish summer weather conditions!

Speedy group!
Ben Nevis – 5hr 20min
Start – 17.55
Finish – 23.15
Scafell Peak – 3hr 20min
Start – 11.00
Finish – 14.50
Snowdon – 4 Hours
Start – 8.55
Finish –  12:55
Total: 12hr 40min

Not so speedy group!
Ben Nevis – 8hr 35min
Start – 17.55
Finish – 02.30
Scafell Peak – 4hr 28min
Start – 11.00
Finish – 15.28
Snowdon – 5hr 35min (50min cake stop)

Start – 8.55
Finish –  2.30
Total: 18hr 38min

The team did an incredible job, especially considering the miserable weather! You can continue to support their efforts by visiting the sponsorship page:

Eating Disorder Group to host Open Meeting

Wednesday 12th October will be an open meeting for the Family and Friends and the Recovery Support Groups.  Mike Bartrum from April House, the Southern Health NHS Eating Disorders Service will be coming to talk to us and answer questions.  He will speak to both groups together, and then we will split up and he will spend time with each group separately.  This would be a good opportunity to come along for the first time if you have been thinking about it for a while.  If you just want to stay for the talk and then go that is fine, or you can bring a friend for support.  If you would like more information email or phone us: 07799 731381

Skydivers raise over £1500 for charity

After being cancelled due to weather difficulties twice, on Saturday 23rd July two very brave women were finally able to take part in a tandem skydive. Freefalling from 10,000 feet, reaching speeds of up to 125mph before the parachute opened, Katie and Lou raised money for Trinity’s work.  (more…)