Harry’s Story

“I came to Trinity at the end of September 2014 in need of support after living rough for over a year. I have had mental ill health for a long time including depression, anxiety and personality disorder, and everything got on top of me.

Trinity has been more than helpful to me over the last year. (more…)

Trinity Winchester’s 28th Annual General Meeting

Psychologically Informed Environments

All are welcome to attend Trinity Winchester’s AGM, on Thursday 15th October, 7pm at Bradbury House.

The focus of this year’s AGM will be Psychologically Informed Environments, with a presentation detailing research behind this. There will also be talks from staff, volunteers, and service users of Trinity giving an insight into the day-to-day operations of the Charity.

For more information please view the:

Agenda for Meeting


AGM Notice 2015

AGM minutes 2014

Please feel free to contact us for more information too!

Challenge Events 2015

Challenge yourself for Trinity

Are you a daredevil and like stepping out of your comfort zone? Then why not take part in one of these events for Trinity?

You’ll be helping to support hundreds of people in Winchester who are homeless or vulnerably housed, just like this person who came to us over 10 years ago:

“I just wanted to say thank you for the work you are doing. I was a service user many years ago and am not sure how well I would have survived without the help you offer. I have since completed a rehab program and been drug free for 10 years. I am married with children and working as a substance misuse worker.”

Upcoming Challenge Events:

Virgin Money London Marathon – 24th April 2016

Running feet

Take part in the world famous London Marathon, and help change the lives of homeless and vulnerable people throughout Winchester.

More than 35,000 people will take part in the 2016 Virgin Money London Marathon and thousands more will line the streets to cheer the runners on. It’s widely considered the best race on earth, and you could be part of it!

You’ll receive friendly and supportive fundraising advice and help as you become part of Team Trinity.

To run for Trinity Winchester, please complete this Application Form and return to Jenny. (And don’t forget to read these Terms and Conditions)

If you have entered the ballot, you will find out if you have been successful in October. If you have won a ballot place, you can still join Team Trinity and we will support you through your training and fundraising.



Old Sarum, Salisbury (more…)

Fundraising Events 2015

River Cottage Canteen Dinner – Thursday 26th November

RCC Logo

Spend an evening sampling a delightful, locally sourced menu at River Cottage Canteen in the Abbey Mill Gardens.

River Cottage Canteen specialises in freshly prepared, seasonal, local, organic and wild food, and has quickly become one of the most popular restaurants in Winchester. For one night only, they will be putting together a special menu to support Trinity Winchester.

Tickets for this dinner are £35 per person, to book simply go to https://www.rivercottage.net/canteens/winchester or call 01962 457747 and quote Trinity when booking.

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